A Quick Status Update

I know it has been awhile since I have updated the blog so I figured this would be a good time to do a quick little post, if anyone is even reading this.  I have been super busy getting adjusted to everything after the move to the new place as well as trying to get comfortable with things at my new job, it is a really exciting time for me right now.  Everything seems to be going well there so far, I have even managed to survive my first patch management day.

Once I get settled in a little more I plan to get back to the blog and have a feeling some really Windows heavy stuff will be coming soon.  If there are any requests I will try to do my best to get to them.  One other thing I have learned already at my new job is that I will be handling some Cisco networking projects so maybe some of those types of topics will start showing up here as well pretty soon.

On top of that I have a few side projects for home that I’ve been thinking about and will be posting those efforts on here as I (however slowly) get around to them, I think those will probably be geared a lot more toward the Linux stuff since those are my favorite type of projects.

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Josh Reichardt

Josh is the creator of this blog, a system administrator and a contributor to other technology communities such as /r/sysadmin and Ops School. You can also find him on Twitter and Facebook.