Quickly get Node.js up and running on Windows

Installing software on Windows in an automatable, repeatable and easy way in Windows has always been painful in the past.  Luckily, in recent years there have been some really nice additions to Windows and its ecosystem that have improved the process significantly.  The main tools that ease this process are Powershell and Chocolatey and these tools have significantly improved the developer  and administrative experiences in Windows.

In the past, in order to install something like a programming language and its environment you would have to manually download the zip or tar file, extract it, put it in the correct place, set up environment variables and system paths manually, etc.  Things would also break pretty easily and it was just painful in general to work with.

Hopefully you are already familiar with Powershell at least because I won’t be covering it much in this post.  If you have any recent version of Windows you should have Powershell.  Below I describe Chocolately a little bit and why it is useful so you can find out more in the post or you can check out the Chocolately website, which does a much better job of explaining its benefits, how it is used and why package managers are good.

Update Windows execution policy

This process is pretty straight forward.  Make sure you open up a Powershell prompt with admin privileges, otherwise you will run into problems.  The first step is to change the default system execution policy (if you haven’t already).  On a fresh install of Windows, you will need to loosen up the security in order to install Chocolatey, which will be used to install and mange Node.js.  Luckily there are just a few Powershell commands that need to run.  To check the status of the execution policy, run the following.


This should tell you what your execution policy is currently set to.  To loosen the policy for Choco, run the following command.

Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned

Follow the prompt and choose [Y] to update the policy.  Now, if you run Get-ExecutionPolicy you should see RemoteSigned.


If you don’t have your execution policy opened up to at least RemoteSigned, you will have trouble installing things from the internet, including Chocoloatey.  You can find more information about Execution Policies here if you don’t trust me or just want a better idea of how they work.

Install Chocolatey

If you aren’t familiar, Chocolately is a package manager for Windows, similar to apt-get on Debian Linux systems or yum on Redhat based systems.  It allows users to quickly and easily install and manage software packages on Windows platforms through Powershell.

The steps to installing are Chocolatey are listed below.

iwr https://chocolatey.org/install.ps1 -UseBasicParsing | iex

This command will take care of pretty much all of the setup so just watch it do its thing.  Again, make sure you are inside of an elevated admin shell, otherwise you will likely have problems with the installation.

Install Node.js

The last step (finally) is to install Node.js.  Luckily this is the easiest part.  Just run the following command.

choco install nodejs.install

Choose [Y] to accept that you want to run the install script and let it run.  There should be some colored output and when it is done Node should be installed on your system.  You will need to make sure you close and re-open you Powershell prompt to get the Node binaries to be picked up on your PATH, or just source the shell by running “RefreshEnv” to pick up the new path.  If you are in an admin shell I would recommend dropping out of it by simply closing the current session and opening up a new, non privileged session.

install node

Once you have a fresh shell you can test that Node installed properly.

node -v

Now you are ready to go.  It only took a few minutes with the Choco package manger.  If you are new to Node in general and are looking for a good resource, the learn you the node project on github is pretty decent.

Let me know if you have any caveats to add to this method, it is the easiest and fastest way I have found to installing Node as well as other pieces of software in Windows without any hassle.

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Gathering Exchange 2010 mail flow statistics

Tech Tip: Work on your windows compatible monitoring software with SharePoint or Exchange Add-on using cloud based virtual desktops accessible remotely from your (PC/Mac/iOS/Android) devices with CloudDesktopOnline.com and get complete access to MS office on the same desktop by visiting O365CloudExperts.com powered by Apps4Rent.

There are times when it can be useful and beneficial to have a good grasp on the details of what kind of mail traffic is running through your Exchange environment.  Recently I have been tasked with coming up with some environmental statistics for our Exchange 2010 servers to help size a new project we are starting soon.  There are a few different tools to help gather this information that I’d like to briefly go over today.  Before I start I’d like to point out that most of this stuff I am borrowing from others, however I think it is valuable to know how to do this type of thing.  With that said, I’m definitely not trying to take credit for any of these techniques, just trying to show the benefits.

There are a few different tools that will help to get a handle on your Exchange environment.  The first and quickest way to peer into your Exchange environment for some quick high level overview statistics is to use PowerShell.

The following command can be used to grab some basics statistics such as the total mailbox size, average mailbox size, the max and the minimum sizes in your environment.

Get-Mailbox -Database MBDB1 | Get-MailboxStatistics | %{$_.TotalItemSize.Value.ToMB()} | Measure-Object -sum -average -max -min

It is important to note however that this command can take some time to complete and can be an intensive process because there are so many calculations going on, just be careful that you don’t crash anything.  This command may not be viable if the environment is enormous but if that is the case you probably don’t need to use any of these techniques anyway.

The next useful tool to gather up mail flow information uses the Microsoft Log Parser tool, which can be downloaded here.  The log parser basically allows us to query the Exchange message transport logs to pull out interesting information.  I found a great blog post that describes the process of using the log parser tool to query the message tracking logs to help determine daily send and receive traffic in your Exchange environment.  You can find the blog post here and I have it reference at the end of this article as well.

There are a few tricks however that I would like to mention because a few things in the blog post aren’t exactly obvious.  After downloading and installing the Log Parser you must run the command he has listed on his site using CMD, otherwise you will have to modify his commands to use PowerShell.

For this command to work correctly you must also navigate to the correct location where the transport logs are being stored.  In the default install of Exchange they are stored in:

C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\TransportRoles\Logs\MessageTracking

So after you navigate to the correct location you run the command:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Log Parser 2.2\logparser.exe" "SELECT TO_LOCALTIME(TO_TIMESTAMP(EXTRACT_PREFIX(TO_STRING([#Fields: date-time]),0,'T'), 'yyyy-MM-dd')) AS Date, COUNT(*) AS Hits from *.log where (event-id='RECEIVE') GROUP BY Date ORDER BY Date ASC" -i:CSV -nSkipLines:4 -rtp:-1

This will output the total number of send/receive messages for each date for the last 30 days on that particular server.  Another important thing to keep in mind is that you need to run this command on each server that has either the Hub Transport or Edge Transport role installed because each server houses a unique set of log files.

The last technique I’d like to go over for gathering interesting Exchange mail flow information is a script I found online, which can found here.  This is a very robust script that gathers a lot of specific information for a particular set of logs files.  Essentially this script functions similarly to the above Log Parser, except it grabs a lot more detail for a particular date.

This is easy to get working, just copy the script from the link into a .ps1 file and save it to a server that has the Exchange Management Shell installed on it.  If the EMS is not installed then this script will not function correctly.  The script will output some interesting details for each individual user including things like:

  • Username
  • Messages sent/received
  • Total MB sent/received
  • Internal sent/received stats
  • Unique messages sent

And output this information into a CSV file so it easy to manipulate the data at that point.  This kind of stuff is very useful in helping to determine things like average sent and received message size for example, I have not been able to provide that information to management easily until I found this script.

There are more techniques out there I’m sure, maybe even software that helps gather these sorts of stastics and information but for a quick and dirty way to grab some high level statistics you can’t really beat these techniques.  These methods are quick and will get you the information you need, which more often than not seems to be at least as detailed as the people requesting this information are looking for which is a win-win for everybody.  If you have any other input or questions about mail flow statistics feel free to let me know.



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Enable telnet with PowerShell

Every once and awhile you will probably encounter a situation where you need to enable and then use telnet in a security focused environment.  In certain situations telnet can be a great tool to test the functionality of firewall rule. Iif you aren’t certain whether or not a rule is working telnet can be a great way to help debug.  The problem in Server 2008 and above is that telnet isn’t enabled by default.  Luckily with PowerShell it is easy to enable the telnet functionality.

The following set of commands is a quick depiction of how you can enable telnet from a PowerShell prompt to ensure the ability of testing certain ports.  Try it out.

Import-Module servermanager
Add-WindowsFeature telnet-client

Bam!  As always, it is always easier to stay in command prompt and this is a great way to test port connectivity.  I can understand why telnet is disabled by default on fresh server builds but sometimes it can become useful to have telnet as a tool to test connectivity.  If you would like to debate the merits of disabling/enabling telnet on a server just drop me a line, I obviously will not be focusing on this aspect here.  Anyway, just as easily as it is to enable telnet through PowerShell it can be disabled with the following command.  If you already have the server manager module imported, skip to the second command.

Import-Module servermanager
Remove-WindowsFeature telnet-client

That’s all it takes.  Very simple and very straightforward.


For more tips and tricks as well as general information about how PowerShell works, check out the venerable Learn Windows PowerShell in a Month of Lunches.

This book is one of my top recommendations on the book recommendations page, especially for learning Powershell and Windows administration.

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Setting up Git in PowerShell

It seems like everybody is using git these days.  And for most, not everybody is stuck using Windows in their day to day workflow.  Unfortunately, I am.  So that means it is much more painful to get up and running with a lot of the coolest and best open source projects that are offered by members of github and other online code repositories being shared via git.  However, there is hope and it is possible for Windows users to join the git party.  So in this post, I would like to describe just how to do that.  And it should only take a few minutes if done correctly.  I will mention beforehand that there are a few steps that need to be completed in order for this technique to work successfully that typically are taken care of in a Linux or OSX environment.

The goal of this post is to work through these steps as best I can to get users up and running as quickly as possible and as easily as possible, reducing the amount of confusion and fumbling around with settings.  This post is designed for beginners that are just getting their feet wet with git but hopefully others can use it as a resource if they are coming from a different environment and are confused by the Windows way of doing things.

First step – Download and install the git port for Windows.

This is pretty straight forward.  Download and run the executable to install git for Windows.  If you just want to get up and running or are lazy, you can leave all of the defaults when you run through the installation wizard.

Second step – Add the git binaries to your system path variable.

This is the most important step, because out of the box git won’t work in your ordinary PowerShell command prompt, it needs to be opened separately.  So to fix this and add all the necessary binaries open up your environmental variables (in Windows 8).

Computer -> Properties -> Advanced -> Environmental Variables

environmental variables

and add the following value to the PATH variable.

C:\Program Files\Git\bin

Here is what this should look like in Windows.

path variable

Third step (optional) – Download and install posh-git for better PowerShell and git integration.

I have highlighted part of this process before in an older post but will go through the steps again because it is pretty straight forward.  To be able to get posh-git you need to have a sort of PowerShell package management tool called PsGet (instructions here).  To get this tool run the following command from your PowerShell command prompt.

(new-object Net.WebClient).DownloadString("http://psget.net/GetPsGet.ps1") | iex

Once the command has completed you should be able to simply run this install command and be finished.

install-module posh-git

That should be it.  With these simple steps you should be able to utilize git from the command line like you are accustomed to on other operating systems.  As I said, there is a tad more leg work but you can really utilize the flexibility of PowerShell to get things working.  I hope it helps, and as always let me know if you have any tips or questions.

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Quickly Find Exchange Database Usage

Here is a Powershell script you can use to quickly determine the total amount of space taken up by all of your Exchange database files (edb files) on an Exchange server.  I’d like to note that this may not necessarily be a 100% accurate representation but is a great way to get a ballpark number without having to add the numbers up yourself, manually.

$dbs = Get-MailboxDatabase -Status

foreach($db in $dbs) {

$edbsize = $db.DatabaseSize.Tobytes()
$totalsize += $edbsize


Write-Host $totalsize

I noticed that I had no way to calculate the total amount of space being used by my Exchange databases the other day.  And even after scouring through teh Googles I was unable to find what I was looking for quickly so I wrote this script up quick to fix that problem.  Just copy the previous bit of code into a ps1 file with notepad and execute the script from your EMS.  It is a super simple way to iterate through all the databases, save their sizes to a variable and then spit that variable out when it is complete.

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